Super Street Time Attack

Finally, finally after rebuilding the accord euro R and
bringing it over to the states the time has come....
Time to prep the car and be ready for the official
test lap session.

A grand total of 70 something entries....amazing!

Here we go...

Another interview for the press from Japan....

We gathered the 5zigen users for a shoot on the track

Here is what it looks like:

Oh,,,a long long but fun day...

Thank you everyone for all your support and generous welcome to the United States.
This is the first official race to be involved in the USA from 5ZIGEN Japan.
We had a great experience and hope to be at more race in the upcoming future.
Michigami did great considering the first time track and car the day of time attack.
We were in the unlimited FF class with a stock engine and still placed 3rd..Other
cars in the top categories had 5ZIGEN wheels.
We hope to see you soon!