Happy 20th B-Day, Miata!!


Since Mazda released the first production in 1990, MX-5 Miata was loved by many drivers, racers and tuners. A lot of Miata fans, Mazda staffs and Miata related vendors, including 5ZIGEN USA celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the most sold open-top sports car in the world at MX-5 MIATAFEST at MAZDA North America R&D facility. The event was organized by Southern California Miata Club.

Two Spec Miata race cars displayed at the special Miata section - Both of them equip Mazdaspeed exclusive 15x7.0 +25 4-100 FN01R-C.

It is difficult to see on the picture, but you can see how aggressive is the fitment of the Mazdaspeed version of FN01R-C. +25 was selected to maximize its cornering performance by making the track wider. Please contact Mazdaspeed for ordering them.

5ZIGEN booth at Miatafest - ProRacer ECON and the ARD Roadmaster driving shoes got a lot of attention!!

International Allstars spokes models (Laura & Jennifer) came to say hi to us.

There are many hard-core Miata enthusiasts because MX-5 has been standing alone to save the life of the pure light-weight sports after the British ones were gone.

Drift Allstars MX-5 - from left Pat Ardon (tuner), Jennifer, Aki (models) and the driver from Wind's Auto Japan, Hiromi Kajikuma. Hiromi will have demo run sessions at Lexani Lifestyle & Car Show July 25th at Anaheim Stadium.