5ZIGEN Civic broke FWD record!!


5ZIGEN Civic Ver.2010 broke the front-wheel drive course record in the Tsukuba Super Battle!!
We like to share the video which captured the moment.
5ZIGEN Civic Ver.2010, 筑波スーパーバトルでのFF車のコースレコードを更新!!

The Tsukuba Super Battle is the original time attack event in Japan. This year, as same as all other years, tuners and performance shops from all over Japan gathered at this 2045m (approx 1.3mi) race track to find who it the best.
筑波スーパーバトルは日本のタイムアタックの元祖。 今年も、いつもと同じように、チューニングパーツ・メーカーやショップが日本中からこの2045mのレースコースに集結。 (写真は筑波サーキットのウェブサイトより転載)

The moment was come in the first session.
K20+Turbo over 500 hp 5ZIGEN Civic had taken the FWD course record at the first time attack with a 58.810 lap. The team changed the tires and sent our time attack driver Takayuki Ooi and the Civic out to course aiming the self best.
K20+ターボで500馬力オーバーの5ZIGEN Civicは、一回目のアタックで58.810のコースレコードを叩き出す。 チームは更なるタイムアップの為にタイヤ交換し、自己ベストを目指して大井選手とシビックをコースへ送り出す。

To warm up tires, Ooi finished one lap slowly then whipped the Civic on.  Following is the in-car video of the lap Ooi broke his best.
タイヤを暖める為に、ゆっくりとコースを一周し、いよいよアタック開始です。 そして、こちらが自己ベストを更新したラップのインカービデオです。

The time Ooi and 5ZIGEN Civic got in this lap was a 58.222. Superbly, Ooi broke his self best with the Civic.
このアタックでのタイムは58.222。 見事、5ZIGEN Civicでの自己ベストを更新。

We expected better lap time because the temperature of the course surface should be increased from afternoon. However, we could not renew the time.

However, Team 5ZIGEN set the new record which is faster more than one second from old record. Our mechanics should been keeping smile because of the splendid achievement after many of overnight work to finish the time attack Civic.

And, we would like to thank Mr. Ooi for getting the record lap. Thank you, Ooi-san!!
一番の感謝は、このレコードを叩き出してくれた大井選手にしなければなりませんね。 大井選手、有難う御座いました!!